
松井 智浩(マツイ トモヒロ)


氏名 松井 智浩
カナ マツイ トモヒロ
所属 検査科学科
職位 准教授
学位・学歴 修士(食品栄養科学:静岡県立大学大学院生活健康科学研究科食品栄養科学専攻)


専攻・分野 免疫学、神経免疫学、麻酔科学
研究テーマ 脳低温療法による脳保護治療の更なる確立を目指した研究
担当科目 (学部)免疫学、免疫検査学、輸血・移植検査学、免疫検査学実習、輸血・移植検査学実習、卒業研究




1. 最新臨床検査学講座/免疫検査学(医歯薬出版)(共著)(2017~)
2. 臨床検査学実習書シリーズ/輸血・移植検査学実習書(医歯薬出版)(共著)(2016~)
1.Matsui T, Yoshida Y. Reduced perforin release from T cells as a mechanism underlying hypothermia-mediated neuroprotection. Clin Exp Neuroimmunol 11: 57-64, 2020.

2. Matsui T, Yoshida Y. Reduction of the expression and production of adhesion molecules and chemokines by brain endothelial cells in response to tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-17 in hypothermia. Clin Exp Neuroimmunol 7: 174-182, 2016.

3. Matsui T, et al. Hypothermia reduces but hyperthermia augments T cell-derived release of interleukin-17 and granzyme B that mediate neuronal cell death. Neurocrit Care 23: 116?126, 2015.

4. Matsui T, et al. Hypothermia at 35°C reduces the time-dependent microglial production of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory factors that mediate neuronal cell death. Neurocrit Care 20: 301-310, 2014.

5. Matsui T, et al. Effects of hypothermia on ex vivo microglial production of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide in hypoxic-ischemic brain-injured mice. Folia Neuropathol 52: 151-158, 2014.

6. Matsui T, et al. Effects of delayed hypothermia on time-dependent microglial production of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory factors. Clin Exp Neuroimmunol 5: 202-208, 2014.

7. Matsui T, et al. Hypothermia reduces toll-like receptor 3-activated microglial interferon-β and nitric oxide production. Mediators Inflamm 2013: 436263 (7 pages), 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/436263

8. Matsui T, et al. Temperature- and time-dependent changes in TLR2-activated microglial NF-κB activity and concentrations of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory factors. Intensive Care Med 38: 1392?1399, 2012.

9. Matsui T, et al. Temperature-related effects of adenosine triphosphate-activated microglia on pro-inflammatory factors. Neurocrit Care 17: 293?300, 2012.

10. Matsui T, et al. Release of prostaglandin E2 and nitric oxide from spinal microglia is dependent on activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Anesth Analg 111: 554-560, 2010.